EDCLV 2022 Recap

My EDC 2022 Recap

This week was a whole lot of emotions. Once I started filming events, I knew eventually I wanted to film som of the bigger stages down the road. At the time, the biggest goal was to shoot Deadbeats when they came to Hawai’i. And to me; that was the ultimate. I didn’t really think about filming anything bigger than that, at the time.

As I did more and more shows, I was able to meet a handful of amazing artists, photo/video people, managers and fans. Eventually, I found the handful of people I really wanted to work with in the coming years, and I decided to keep them close.

I bought tickets to EDCLV 2022 on my own, because I wanted to just experience it for the first time. I’ve never gone before and it was on my bucket list. And then last minute; I wanted to just shoot my shot and ask artists if they needed media for their sets. While it was probably too late when I asked, people told me that I missed the window and that I just need to not try and build up my portfolio for next year. But then, out of nowhere, I was offered an opportunity to film an artist that was going to be playing. I immediately said yes and couldn’t stop jumping around my room for a good 3 hours (it was probably like 2am when I finally calmed down 😅).

I was so nervous, I had forgotten to eat most of the days leading up to leaving to Vegas. I struggled to find a song to use for the video and my brain felt fried from overthinking everything. But I eventually landed on this song, and I think it fit perfectly. I was going to use a version of Sad Songs for a video a few years back, but I didn’t feel like it was right. So I believe that THIS video was meant for it.

To make a long story short; EDC day 1 I fell pretty hard and fractured my knee (the 4 security guards all around me didn’t do ANYTHING but just look at me), got my phone pickpocketed and was alone majority of the night. I was so exhausted, tired and felt alone in a place I was supposed to feel safe. Bu I ended the night with one of my favorite artists. The next day was incredibly better, and the last day was more freeing than anything. My entire experience flipped a full 180 and it became some of my favorite moments in life.

I actually edited the footage when I was on my trip in Tahiti, and finally put everything together when I got back home. I have to say that this is my favorite video I’ve ever made thus far. So many memories and small little things that bring me back to this time, I’ll never forget them.

I hope you all enjoy this video of mine. I’ve always been one to not want to follow the regular path and be safe (as in not trying anything new). I’ve always done things differently than others and never liked following rules. I made this video and genuine as possible. While it is about EDC, this video is really for the rave fam out there. I’m so incredibly happy that I was able to get you on film and share it in a way where it’s very me, but also very US. Massive shoutout to the team @photosbydutches @savileeography @jay_matsu and @andersonmmusic for believing and making this a week to remember!

Can’t wait to see you all next year under the electric sky! And as I was told when I first walked through the gates of EDC; Welcome Home ❤️


Ghost Dragon at Teragram Ballroom LA Mini Doc
